Sunday, February 15, 2009

Personal Connection

Before beginning this adventure, I was afraid that I might not find solutions that would work for me. I was honest with myself and knew that I've tried to lose weight many times before in my life and was not successful. Only once have I ever been successful at losing weight; I didn't meet my goal and gained all of it back within a year and a half. So I started researching other areas that might help me gain the right mindset to begin another weightloss adventure.

"Regular opportunities for journaling provide an effective channel for students to reflect and communicate." (Preddy 2006) As an adult, I have never forced myself to journal. This project has forced me to journal in the form of a blog; allowing for me to better reflect what I was learning and know what to do with what I was learning. Writing and researching led me to the thought that I perhaps I needed to work on my mind and spirit so that I might not be successful in losing weight and maintaining the loss.

"Freedom to select from any area of the entire collection and to read at leisure has been documented by Krashen (1993) to be extremely beneficial for advancing reading achievement across all ability levels." (Callison 2006) Although I didn't get through all of the literature I wanted to read, I thoroughly enjoyed researching ways to improve my body, mind, and spirit. The genre of self-help always sparks my interest. Who wouldn't want to improve their life? When researching, I began to think about the importance of allowing students to do inquiry projects on what interests them most. They would be more apt to read materials and motivated to be creative thinkers in the end.

"Learning is often so regimented with students receiving points for molding projects to exact specifications that creativity is penalized." (Loertscher 2003) Learning new technologies while doing this inquiry project was a treat for me. I KNOW students appreciate the priveledge of choosing their own final product. Several years ago, I had a student who NEVER completed work in the classroom, but would always finish projects in perfect fashion when he was allowed to use technology. It didn't matter if he wasn't familiar with a particular technology; he always found a way to meet the requirements, even if he had to spend his free time doing so.

Now, at the end of my inquiry project, I look forward to implementing the plan I developed. I realize that developing the plan was half of the battle; implementing it may prove to be quite a feat. I am optimistic that I will be successful. I have already benefited from my research. Yoga has already proven to be addictive for me. My blood pressure is down, my back is feeling better than before, and I am SLOWLY losing weight.

I look forward to encouraging students to become life long learners and appreciate what I have learned with this project.

Callison, D., & Preddy, L. (2006). The blue book on information age inquiry, instruction, and literacy. Westport, Conn: Libraries Unlimited.

Loertscher, D. V., & Champlin, C. (2002). Indiana learns: Increasing Indiana's student academic achievement through school library media and technology programs. [San Jose, Calif.?]: Hi Willow Research.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Curriculum Connection

The most obvious curricular connection (in my opinion) to learning would be that students with coping skills perform better. Student + Balance= Learning

The following AASL standards for the 21st Century Learner should be a part of any inquiry project.

Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.
This standard most fits the "Finding Balance" inquiry project.

Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge

Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, and apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.

Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society.

American Association of School Librarians. (2007). Standards for the 21st century learner. Chicago: American Association of School Librarians.

Indiana State Health Academic Standards
I currently work with fifth and sixth graders. Initially I decided to only pull 5th grade standards that would be covered in an inquiry project similiar to mine. When I researched 6th grade health standards, I found they were similar to sixth grade.

5.1.1 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors.

5.1.2 Explain the relationship between personal health behaviors and the prevention of injury,
illness, disease, and premature death.

5.1.3 Describe the interrelationships of mental, emotional, social, and physical health.

5.1.5 Describe how one’s surroundings influence mental, emotional, social, and physical

5.1.6 Describe ways to reduce risks related to common health problems among adolescents.

5.3.1 Demonstrate how to apply skills to manage stress.

5.3.2 Demonstrate how to apply skills to manage grief and anger.

5.3.3 Demonstrates how to avoid and reduce threatening situations.

5.3.4 Develop injury prevention and management strategies for personal and family health.

5.3.5 Demonstrate the ability to analyze a personal health assessment to determine health
strengths and risks.

5.3.6 Demonstrate strategies to improve or maintain personal health.


Someone from this class used the SWOT mindtool to summarize their experience with this project. I liked it so much I want to borrow the tool.

Strengths: This project was a good experience for me. I truly needed to begin a journey in finding balance. I learned how to use new technologies and this is always a plus. Meanwhile,I'm feeling good about my plan. In the past, I've tried to do the impossible; set goals that just weren't attainable.

Weaknesses: Perhaps I spent too much time on the technology and interviews. Have you ever experienced a time when you go to one website that leads you to the next good website, then twelve hours later you've learned alot, but you didn't accomplish your task? Next time I need to plan my time more efficiently and minimize the amount of resources I sort through. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach.

Opportunities: This project gave me the time to research a topic that has the potential to change my life positively. It gave me the time to interview people, participate in activities, and read materials that I might not have otherwise taken the time to do; especially given the fact that I'm working full time as a newbie media specialist, taking SLIS classes, and attempting to be a mother and wife. Good news is that I have more resources than I need; it's always good to have spare.

Threats: I truly did not have the time to read all of my resources; honestly I felt as though I have only just begun. I had a hard time conceptualizing what the final product should be.

Wrapping and Waving

I must admit that I had a lot more fun than I thought possible in creating my final package to unveil my findings. I took the opportunity to explore technology that I've never used. I used trackstar to create my pathfinder of websites, to create a visual organizer, and google site web page to submit my findings. The best part of learning how to use all of these technologies is that I will get to share them with teachers and students.

The resources I listed are mainly geared toward adults, because there are fewer resources geared toward intermediate students (students I work with). If adults become more aware of how they can find balance, they should be encouraged to help students become successful at finding the balance.

While this project was mainly created for myself, I want to share with others so that they might find balance.

I have shared with my husband the benefits of yoga so much that he finally joined a yoga class where he works. We plan to take a Valentine Day partner yoga class this Saturday. My husband is usually harder to convince to try new things. If he's convinced, I'm sure other husbands and adults could be convinced.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wrapping and Waving

Perhaps I'm a bit biased...I feel as though humans from age 2-102 could use this information. We all need to learn how to find balance in life. Of course those closer to two need a bit more guidance.

Last year, I attended a workshop on a program titled Student Success Skills I had to give my notes and materials up before I was able to incorporate the program into my classroom; I moved to a different building. This workshop made me realize how important it is to give students the gift of coping skills. The program incorporated the following: study skills (such as body points, mnemonic devices), monitoring healthy eating and sleep habits, and ways to decompress (brain gym, exercise, listening to music) when senses are on overload.

Everyone could benefit from my research. If I had a bit more time, I would like to create a video to share with students (collaborating with the counselors). A podcast or blog directed toward students (and or adults) might be helpful. I'm incharge of doing morning video announcements. Students could do skits, poems, or songs on morning announcements to help students remember how to cope.

Why should I share with others? Everyone alive faces the pressure of daily life. The sooner we teach students how to cope with stress the more likely they are to be successful. Likewise, why not share these tools with adults. While everyone responds differently to coping mechanisms, we can modify to make these solutions our own.


Wow! I must admit that I absolutely LOVE The above bubble map was made and exported as a JPEG in no time; making it easy to import into blogger. In order to find balance, I feel as though I need to nurture my body mind and spirit.

Each part (body, mind, and spirit) affects the other; in my opinion, mind and spirit are more closely related. As you can see, I feel as though Yoga would help in all areas (Body, Mind, and Spirit). If I am successful in decluttering my life, my mind and spirit will improve. I will save time, giving me more time to spend with my family or complete projects for school and SLIS classes. Through self-talk and mediatation, I will build self-confidence. Sometimes I am my worse enemy.


  1. I will follow the weightwatcher plan; focusing on journaling what I eat.
  2. I will find 5-10 positive attributes to share with myself, while meditating (need to multi-task to be efficient).
  3. I will spend 15 minutes a day towards de-cluttering my life; following the advice of Flylady.
3-5 Times a Week I will exercise 30 minutes or more. I've joined a weekly yoga class, plan to exercise twice a week with my kids, and one to two weeks on my own doing a variety of activities. I'm working toward completing my third Indianapolis 500 Mini-Marathon in May.
I've shared this plan with my husband and kids. Thankfully they support my plan. I'm so lucky to have such a great support system. I'd be in sad shape without them.

Still Webbing

In interviewing my friends who appear to be balanced (or should I say lead a balanced life), I found that almost all of them were organized people, who exercise and eat healthy on a regular basis.

After reading about how to eat healthy and finding forms of exercise that help fuel the body with energy, (including meditation and yoga), I decided to focus on ways to become more organized.

According to organization guru, Julie Morgenstern, "The average U.S. executive wastes one hour per day searching for missing information in messy desks and files, according to the Wall Street Journal." This sounds familiar to me. Oh so familiar. "Getting rid of excess clutter would eliminate 40% of the housework in an average home. " (National Soap and Detergent Association) Getting rid of clutter might indeed help relieve the stress in my life, which would lead me to a balanced life.

On recommendation from a friend, I visited the FlyLady website. I'm suffering from "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome" because I can't get my clutter organized. There I found a wealth of knowledge that can easily be adapted in baby steps; steps that I can reasonably take in my life.

I found other useful websites to help me become organized. They can be found in a trackstar at Be sure to view this resource in frames.